Creating a tactics game in Godot

I have being using Godot for a couple game jams. I really enjoyed the idea of an open-source engine and I had a really good time using Godot. Because of that I decided to use it for a new game that I started to work with a friend for a game jam.

We had this idea of creating a tactics game in 2D. For me this was really exciting as I never created a tactics game before. So I spend one weekend working to create the grid system for it, the board and the pathfinding logic for movement. This is the result of that process.

Basically I spend a lot of time trying to implement my own logic for pathfinding. I researched how to implement an A* and tried doing that in GDScript. To be honest I didn't do so well, there were some scenarios that the path wouldn't be the most optimal one and it would be notable to players. But while debugging my problems I discovered there is already a A* implementation in Godot. You can see it here:

So I dropped all that I had done and just used that. It worked perfectly. Now the game has a grid that you can select characters as green squares, it will show the possible spaces you can walk to, and you can click to walk to those spaces.

Looking forward I will focus on the implementation of interaction between the characters in the board by creating enemies and making it possible to make characters attack the enemies.

All this will serve as a base for the game. In terms of game design there is a lot to thing and figure it out. That will be the subject of another devlog.

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Nov 20, 2021

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